Oh Lucinda, so moving and powerful. Can we, will we, reject this type of tragedy in the future? Can we learn to not repeat?

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I had hope as a nation we would begin to embrace kindness, acknowledge our history, go forward with the promise not to repeat-- then November 5th. But that doesn't have to be the whole story. When I count my friends and imagine the circles that go out from each one I have hope again. Thank you for your comment. I hope you enjoy Part 2.

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A dark time in US history for sure, Lucinda. Especially sad that newborn babies had to be considered as threats. What’s amazing to me, in all that I’ve read and heard second generation a couple times from their parents’ stories, is the resilience of the people. I think it’s a sin that the government took their land and belongings—and in some cases—their lives as your story details. I look forward to part 2.

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Absolutely another stain on our nation’s history and…if the truth is not told, the mistakes acknowledged and noted, the trauma inflicted cannot heal to the extent that it is possible. It’s awful to think that so many of these people never spoke of it, that seems to be a pattern with this kind of trauma and maybe it is part of why generational trauma is so hard to heal. Of course this is what critical race theory and all similar truth-telling is about—healing and acknowledgement. Another very sad thing is that survivors of the atomic bombs in Japan lived with an terrible and inexplicable shame. Ah me… Thanks for your input and support.

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So true. Often it's covered up, put aside. I can't help but think of The Greatest Generation. All those armed services people who came back from overseas after WWII. I believe very few spoke of their experiences. At that time, that was considered the normal way. I think maybe that's why Vietnam vets had such a hard time, b/c they told it like it was. The nation wasn't ready for truth-telling. I think you read Elif Shack's post a couple weeks ago, Lucinda. Regarding how generations talk about--history, family memories. If not, I'll find the date of post. Anyway, this was a great one, again, and I liked your adding the old man mountain watching over all. In a way, I think that's a bit of magic realism, no? Btw, I met Stephanie Hammer at our book fair yesterday and saw her speak locally today; I was invited by a friend. Will email you. Saludos.

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did not read Elif Shack's post, please send me the info. it's an interesting study for me--human nature and generational differences. Stephanie is great. glad you met her.

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Will do re Elif S's. post. About generational memory, acceptance, and willingness to share. Will put it in the email I send.

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Haunting story, and another reminder that our country has many stains on its history. It’s who we are…

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Amazing. Impossible to put down. I’ve heard many stories from George Takei over the years. Yours are every bit as powerful.

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Allen, thank you so much. This issue and this story has been on my mind for so long--it affected me a lot to write and deliver it in the podcast but it is something we need to remember as we remember Pearl Harbor Day and all the Americans who were drawn into all the horrors of WWII in so many ways.

Thank you for this comment. I hope enjoy Part 2 next week.

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Heartbreaking, and such a stain on our American story...not unlike the blind eye turned by our government "leaders" (interpret criminals) and the treatment of the Native Americans. (Big Sigh) and our ugly history appears to continue.

Recent history continues to teach us that justice is for the wealthy and the white. I'm sickened thinking of the true human suffering and costs.

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I know Alan. I have a cousin (who is an appreciated devotee of my stories) but she summed them up by saying how much she'd enjoys listening because it takes her back to a simpler sweeter time in our country. I did have to bite my tongue a little because the point I try to make is that some progress has been made and that time in which my stories are set was not Ozzy and Harriet.

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Agreed…still a long way to go…subtle and NOT so subtle discrimination at every turn and those who don’t suffer the implications don’t see it ( or want to see it) and those of us who are empaths not only see it, but feel the pain. Thank you for reminding us we are an imperfect nation, who needs to try harder to live up to the vision of our founding documents. My 35 years bringing of breathing new life into Ben Franklin has given me immense insight into those. We’d have been a better country early on if they had listened to old Ben more carefully.

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A deeply disturbing, well-crafted portrait of our country during one of its most shameful periods. Thank you for personalizing this story so expertly.

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